Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day... What Day Am I On???

With the lack of energy that I have had lately and my teething son, my blog has definitely taken a backseat. And for that, I am sorry. I should have been getting on here regularly and documenting what I have been eating (cheats, too). I am making excuses, I know that. I am stuck at about an 11 pound total so far, and it has been 17 days so I am not so thrilled with my progress so far.
I have had many moments where I have just wanted to give up and go get something good and tasty to fill my belly. I have done just that a couple of times, and I always have regretted that decision afterward. I know that if I would have just stuck to this plan from the get-go and followed the diet exactly how I am supposed to be doing it I would have much greater results and a much happier and regret-free me. But, I'm hard headed and human. It is so easy to look back on things and wish you would have done something differently, but what would I have learned had I not made those decisions?
Lunch: Flounder cooked with pepper, italian seasonings, garlic powder, and juice of 1/2 a lemon, served with spinach cooked in lemon juice and pepper. Spinach has been a favorite side dish of mine throughout this process since I can have 3 cups! It is actually pretty filling and tasty, too.
Dinner: Lean sirloin filet, served with asparagus.

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